Are you ever too young to not care about a disease, especially one that is as prevalent as colon cancer? According to the Colon Cancer Alliance , the answer is no. They report that colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men and women combined in the US. In fact, The American Cancer Society estimates that:

  • 96,830 people in the United States will be diagnosed with colon cancer and 50,310 will die from the disease in 2014
  • On average, the lifetime risk of developing colon cancer is about 1 in 20 (5%); however, this varies widely according to individual risk factors

Even more alarming, the Colon Cancer Alliance reports that while rates for colon cancer in adults 50 and older have been declining, incidence rates in adults under 50 have been increasing. What should you know to protect your health?

  • First and second degree relatives (children, siblings, grandchildren, nieces, nephews) of a person with a history of colon cancer are more likely to develop this disease themselves, especially if the relative had the cancer at a young age
  • The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening starting at age 40 for these high-­‐risk individuals or 10 years earlier than the youngest age of colon cancer diagnosis for any affected relative¹

About 72% of cases arise in the colon and about 28% in the rectum². To help increase awareness of both, Ferndale® Healthcare, the manufacturer of RectiCare® (Lidocaine 5%) Anorectal Cream – a topical, local anesthetic which works quickly to provide relief from pain, itching and burning associated with hemorrhoids and other anorectal disorders – has partnered with the Colon Cancer Alliance, to ensure that people have their symptoms diagnosed by a doctor before self-­‐treating.

“It is tempting to try to ease anorectal pain and discomfort by going to the drugstore aisle and buying a product to help alleviate symptoms such as bleeding, pain, itching and soreness,” said Katherine Gunn, Product Manager for RectiCare®. “However, these symptoms may indicate a more serious condition. So, we are teaming with the Colon Cancer Alliance to help raise awareness of colon cancer among consumers of all ages. Once you know what is causing your symptoms, you can make more intelligent choices for your care.”

Should you be aware at every age and stage of your  life?  Absolutely.  As  the  Colon  Cancer  Alliance points out hereditary nonployposis colon cancer (HNPCC or  Lynch  Syndrome)  is  the  most  common type of inherited colon cancer, accounting for about 3-­‐5% of all colon cancer cases. If not closely monitored,  most  individuals  with  the  altered  gene  responsible  for  the  disease  develop  colon cancer, with the average age at diagnosis being only 42-­‐45, and a jarring 35-­‐40% being diagnosed before age 40. General screening  guidelines  recommend  a  colonoscopy  every  one  to  two  years, beginning  between  the  ages  of  20-­‐25,  or  five  years  earlier  than  the  youngest  age  of  diagnosis  in the family, whichever is sooner.3

RectiCare® (Lidocaine 5%) Anorectal Cream retails for $29.99 and is available at Walgreens and Rite Aid stores without a prescription. For more information, product coupons or to speak with a company representative, please visit

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About Ferndale Healthcare®, Inc.:

Ferndale Healthcare®, Inc. is an affiliate of Ferndale Pharma Group Inc., a fully integrated holding company. Ferndale Healthcare® targets several key specialty markets which encompass disease states that range from benign anorectal

disorders to various skin conditions. The company’s mission is to provide high-­‐quality, value-­‐added products that help patients get back to what matters most in their lives—living well. Many of Ferndale Healthcare’s products are leaders in their respective categories.


About The Colon Cancer Alliance (CCA):

The Colon Cancer Alliance, Inc. is a not-­‐for-­‐profit 501(c)3 corporation (EIN 86-­‐0947831). It is the leading national   patient advocacy organization dedicated to increasing colon cancer screening rates and survivorship. The Colon Cancer Alliance’s mission is to knock colon cancer out of the top three cancer killers, by championing prevention, funding cutting-­‐edge research and providing the highest quality patient support services. Read more information about the Colon Cancer Alliance at