FAQs (Medical Professionals)

Can I sell your products from my office?

Yes, our products can be purchased directly. Please create an account in our Physician Business Center to order product, samples and patient education materials.

Register at https://ferndalehealthcare.com/login/.

 Where can my patients find your products?

Please click on the links below for specific stores that carry our products. If the product is not in stock, it may be ordered and will be available within 24 hours through the pharmacy.

DerMend Moisturizing Bruise Formula is available at: http://dermend.com/where-to-buy/
Heliocare is available at: https://www.heliocare.com/where-to-buy/
RectiCare is available at: http://www.recticare.com/where-to-buy/

 Where can I find additional information on your products?

Product information can be found by following the link below or by contacting our Customer Service center at 877-352-6295.


How do my patients or my office report a complaint or adverse event with one of your products?

If you or your patients have a complaint or need to report an adverse event associate with one of our product, please call 1.800.621.6003 extension 484 or complete the complaint of adverse event form at
